The land around Knockderry was originally owned by the Duke of Argyll but with the arrival of the railway, the Duke, not a fan of the steam engine, chose to sell off plots of land around the peninsular to property developers from Glasgow. There was an explosion of wealth in Glasgow and many wealthy industrialists chose to build family homes away from the city's smoke and noise.
The Andersons had made their fortune from cotton manufacturing, making fine cotton shirts in Paisley, D & J Anderson is still a trade name for fine shirtings, although now produced by an Italian company. David Anderson chose to build a summer residence on the rural banks of Loch Long, for his growing family and work began in 1846.
David Anderson's son, John Anderson (1827-1911), inherited Knockderry in 1879 and decieded to extend it in 1897. He asked the well-known architect Leiper to draw up plans. The area now used as our restaurant and bar - and the rooms above were added at that time along with all the turrets and towers that give the house its current distinctive look. Obviously very wealthy John Anderson maintained his main residence in Park Circus, Glasgow and the 1881 census shows that three children of John Anderson & Jessie Harvie were living at Knockderry, with two servants, while their parents lived at 3 Park Circus, Glasgow.
John and Jessie Anderson - had two sons, David Blyth Anderson (1872-1944) and A (Alexander) Harvie Anderson (1873-1939). A. Harvie Anderson and some of his seven sisters lived at Knockderry. The family continued to live in the house until the 1930's and he was listed in telephone directories until 1938. The Misses Anderson, (Ida Katherine Anderson & Norah V Anderson) renowned local artists, were still resident in 1940 when the house was sold to the Gibson family.
The current restaurant was originally the Music Room and family chapel and still retains many of the original features as does the old Billiard Room and the Dining Room, which boasts stained glass by James Guthrie Jnr and Daniel Cottier.
The house was sold in the 1940’s and again in 1966 where it was eventually turned into a small hotel with a bar.