Woodland walks are incredibly beautiful at this time of year, snowdrops make way for bluebells and there is birdsong all around. Here at Knockderry we are spoilt for choice when it comes to great walking trails. A favourite walk of ours is in Ardgarten. There are a couple of different routes to choose from, but the riverside trail takes you along the shores of Loch Long where you may catch a glimpse of an otter or two.

Spring is a wonderful time of year. Visitor centres and local attractions reopen and there is plenty to see and do around our local area. We are looking forward to the 1st and 2nd April and ‘Springfest’, the Scottish Food and Drink Festival held on the shores of Loch Lomond. In May, there is also the Loch Fyne Food Fair which takes place in the fields around the head of the loch. Don’t miss these opportunities to sample Scottish food, local wine, music and entertainment for all the family.